24/08/2394. Oozing with FearThorik and Johann press on, delving deeper into the Lost Mine of Phandelver in pursuit of the legendary Forge of Spells. But within the darkened tunnels which simply ooze with mystery, something ...Watch Episode
18/08/2393. Into the Lost Mine of PhandelverJohann and Thorik are grappling with a devastating loss. But the quest must go on! In the depths of the Lost Mine of Phandelver, a haunting discovery awaits Gundren Rockseeker… ...Watch Episode
10/08/2392. Deepening WoundsFollowing a gruelling battle against the terrifying beast which seemed resistant to all of their attacks, our heroes see to Saga’s horrific wound. Meanwhile Saga makes a potentially destiny altering decision. ...Watch Episode
03/08/2391. Tooth and ClawWhilst camping out in the foothills of the Sword Mountains, something has made Saga feel incredibly uneasy during her overnight watch. What is it that approaches? And how much of a threat ...Watch Episode
27/07/2390. A Familial BondAs our heroes embark on the next chapter of their adventure as they embark on their quest for find the Lost Mine of Phandelver and the Forge of Spells within. En route, ...Watch Episode
29/06/2389. Prosper or SufferHaving received an invitation to a secret meeting at the Phandalin Miner’s Exchange, Sergei chooses to oblige and meets his mysterious new contact. ...Watch Episode
22/06/2388. A Date with DestinyAs our heroes venture towards the destination of their quest, the Lost Mine of Phandelver, also known as Wave Echo Cave, Saga goes on the hunt for some fresh food. Meanwhile, Sergei ...Watch Episode
15/06/2387. A Prosperous PropositionIt’s shopping time! But whilst they enjoy the widely accepted favourite pastime of adventurers, Gundren Rockseeker, eager to continue his life’s work makes the party an offer that they may be unable ...Watch Episode
08/06/2386. Unmasking the DeceiverPsychological games ensue as Johann and Saga must navigate the mind of their enigmatic imposter Elsa and seek to expose their true motives! ...Watch Episode
01/06/2385. Of Letters, Loose-ends & Lemon Drizzle CakeJoin us for episode 85 of Bardic Quest. as the party delves into the enigma of the lemon drizzle cake, confronts the consequences of Sergei’s letter, and consider Sildar’s offer. ...Watch Episode