109. Traitor – Part 1
The party have come face-to-face with someone they were not expecting to see within the depths of wave echo cave. Someone they had assumed to be an ally, seemingly in the employ of the Black Spider. Our heroes now seek to find answers, and the reasons behind this treachery!
Welcome to Bardic Quest – the show where a group of British trained actors tell fantastical improvised stories through the medium of Dungeons & Dragons.
Dungeon Master ………. Wayne Ingram
Saga ………………………… Annina Kaski
Johann Hale …………….. Oli Leonard
Thorik ………………………. Isaac Finch
Sergei Petrovic ………… James Bryan
The animated artwork featured in our opening credits are graciously provided courtesy of James Webster. Please show your support for his work via his Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/jamesrpgart
Sound effects & music by Syrinscape: http://www.syrinscape.com
Because Epic Games Need Epic Sound
Complete list of credits here: https://syrinscape.com/attributions/?id=12689
This episode features characters and events based upon and inspired by the Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure found in the Dungeons And Dragons Starter Set: https://amzn.to/3L3LtOh ...
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